Tuesday, May 19, 2009

First post! ~ Financial illiteracy

Okay, so, after reading our blog title, you're all probably thinking something along the lines of, "what are these people doing?! Blogging about financial issues for fun...? What's wrong with teenagers these days?! Definitely NOT following this blog!". In fact, after telling my friends about it, the best response that they could come up with was "..." and "uh... cool? *cough* you're nerdy *cough*" An yeah, I have to admit (sorry Dan) that this does in fact sound very, VERY nerdy, boring, dweebish and whatnot. But that doesn't mean it has to be. Man, that sounds philosophical. Being financially literate is actually really important in today's society and honestly, the most successful people in life are all financially literate; for example, Steve Jobs, Rhianna, Oprah, Harper, Michael Phelps, Obama, and Ronaldinho, just to list a few. They're all financially literate. Life changing realization right there.

So now, hopefully, you're probably wondering what exactly 'financially literacy' is. Basically, in plain English, it's just the ability to understand money matters. Woah. Doesn't sound all that complicated hey? That's just like credit cards and paying for lunch you had at McDonald's today isn't it? And yes, you're right! But to some extent. As Dan points out in his blogs, there's also some pretty complicated things associated with financial literacy (APR? Huh???). And you could probably care less about that kind of stuff. I see your mouse inching towards the back button. But these are very important things that you will need to know about down the road! So, if you want to be successful in life, follow this blog!!!

So, that's all I have to say for now. Just going to point out that this is a service learning project (we don't do this sort of stuff for fun... JK!) and ultimately we're trying to not only raise awareness on the issue of financial illiteracy, but to persuade the school regional school board to make financial classes mandatory (or at least have an that option for people who are interested) in schools as well.



  2. like the "I see your mouse inching towards the back button" but really be rational

  3. Oh that's a sweet Blog Kelly, I love it !

  4. Oups by the way That was Sarah xD

  5. Is it a sweet blog Dan, too?

  6. Cool kelly, but some parts didn't make sense if you thought about it. Grammar wise.:P

  7. This is not fair. Just because Kelly is better than me at everything doesn't mean you should only read her posts....

  8. Thanks guys for joining, commenting AND posting! You're awesome! Dan has some great posts too that you should all check out as well at here, here,and here.
